Monday, January 14, 2019


HEWER MultiSAFE safety knives vary tremendously in purpose, functionality, quality and other cosmetic differences. This brief guide is intended to help you prioritize your cutting tool needs in order to choose the safety cutter that is best for you.

1. Identify the cutting tasks your employees are performing.

The type of material being cut and its frequency are key factors in deciding which safety knife will work best in your facility. An employee in a retail store trying to prevent product damage will use a very different knife than that of a person in the automotive industry cutting picking windows in triple wall boxes.

2. Choose a level of safety you want associated with the new tool.
Safety knives have numerous levels of safety but the big two are concealed blade and automatic retractable. Concealed blade knives are the safest option of these two but do have limitations in what material can be cut. Automatic retractable knives are the safest exposed blade safety knives because the blade will retract when the user releases the slider. 

3. Choose cosmetic options that are important to you.
Safety knives offer many cosmetic differences - trigger versus slider mechanism to engage the blade, plastic versus metal body, tool required versus tool-free blade change, disposable versus replaceable blade, long blade extension versus short blade extension, etc.
It's important to get the right cosmetic options to fit your operators' preferences but it's equally important to avoid getting bogged down in this step. There are many combinations of the above mentioned options and it isn't usually reasonable to get a specific knife for each operator based on his/her preferences.

If you want to get more information anout the cutters,please don't hesitate to contact us directly with any feedback or questions at

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